Grounded In Growth: 5 Habits of a Thriving Work-From-Home Mom

With my birthday coming up, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on this past year—on the wins, the lessons, and all the ways I’ve grown. And while I’m grateful for the professional milestones I’ve hit, what stands out most to me is the personal growth I’ve experienced. So much of what I’ve learned this year has come from the way I’ve shown up for myself outside of work. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get wrapped up in business goals, but this year has been a reminder that nurturing my personal life is just as important, if not more so.

So, in honor of the the growth I’ve had, and because my life coach is always telling me, “Your story doesn’t belong to you”, I wanted to share with you the five habits that have kept me grounded and helped me show up as my best self in all areas of my life.

Reading Daily and Making the Kids Participate

One of the biggest shifts for me this year has been recommitting to reading daily. I used to make excuses—too tired, too busy, too much to do—but I’ve learned that when I take the time to read, it’s like I’m feeding my soul. Whether it’s a business book, a novel, or even something I’m reading with the kids, it helps me stay sharp and keeps my mind open to new ideas. And getting the kids involved? That’s been a game changer for us all. We sit together, share what we’re learning, and it’s become such a special part of our day. It reminds me that growth is ongoing—for me and for them—and it’s something we get to do together.

Working Out… Even When I Don’t Want To

Oh, working out. There have been so many days this year when the last thing I wanted to do was hit the gym or go for a run. But every time I pushed through, I felt better afterward. I realized that it’s not just about staying in shape—it’s about staying disciplined and showing myself that I can do hard things, even when I don’t want to. That mindset has spilled over into my business. If I can push through a tough workout, I can push through a tough workday. And, honestly, taking care of my body has helped me take care of my mind. It’s all connected.

Keeping Date Night

This one has been so important. No matter how busy life has gotten, I’ve made it a point to keep date night with my man. It’s so easy to let life get in the way, but this year, I’ve realized just how vital it is to carve out time for us. Having that time together, is a chance to reconnect, laugh, and simply enjoy each other’s company. Keeping date night allows me to show up with a full heart, ready to tackle the challenges that entrepreneurship throws my way, knowing I have a solid support system by my side. It also reminds me of the importance of nurturing relationships, which, in turn, makes me a better partner, parent, and entrepreneur. Love is a foundation, and this year I’ve really leaned into that.

Prayer Before Parenting

Parenting has its challenges—trust me, I know—but this year, I’ve made it a habit to start each day with prayer before I dive into anything else. It’s my way of grounding myself and asking for guidance. Parenting with intention has been such a focus for me, and prayer helps me approach it from a place of peace. When I take a moment to pray, I’m reminded that I don’t have to have all the answers—and that’s okay. It helps me slow down, be more patient, and show up for my kids in a way that feels aligned with the kind of mother I want to be. And let’s be honest, when things are calmer at home, I’m able to be more present and focused in my work.

Exploring New Interests

This year, I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby, going to a workshop, or learning something completely unrelated to my business, I’ve been intentional about exploring new interests. It’s been such a reminder that there’s always more to learn and discover—and that life is about more than just work. Exploring these new interests has kept me curious and energized, and that energy naturally flows back into my business. It’s like, when I’m happy and fulfilled outside of work, I show up with so much more passion and creativity in my work.

These five habits have been my anchors, and they’ve reminded me that my success doesn’t just come from professional achievements—it comes from how I take care of myself personally. When I’m grounded in these habits, I can show up as my highest self in all areas of my life. And that’s the greatest gift I could give myself this year.

Here’s to more growth, more peace, and more showing up as our best selves—both personally and professionally.
